A mistake often made by males in 2017 is inadequate care taken when we dress casually. The exact same person could be perfectly on-point, or at least almost where he needs to be from a style perspective on a night out or at work but when they go out casually on Saturday or Sunday afternoon they are way off the mark. This can’t happen.
Casual Clothing Mistakes
You would not believe the mistakes that are made by males today when it comes to casual style. Despite the proliferation of media both online and television where image and style is a focal point of most content produced. Let’s list some of the mistakes:
- Wearing a sporting jersey
- Wearing dirty white converse
- Wearing denim jeans and black shoes
- Wearing flared or bootcut trousers
- Wearing clothes that are too big/ have a terrible shape
1. Whatever you do, unless you are following a team in a sporting match do not, under any circumstances wear a sporting jersey while dressing casually. The only people who can wear jerseys in a casual setting are the players themselves (and only on special promotional occasions) or young children absolutely nobody else should wear a jersey.
2. Dear God. The image above should say enough. I will say this explicitly as possible. NEVER wear professional looking work shoes with short jeans. It looks absolutely terrible. Case closed.
3. There would have been a time in the naughties when flared trousers were back in vogue amongst males. They caught on for a very long period of the naughties so much so that they were visible for a very, very long time after they should have been. To this day in 2017, there is still the rare occasion where you would see flared jeans. If you see this yourself, just approach this person and tell them to change straight away.
4. When white Converse are new and white as they can be nothing – looks as good in a casual setting. When you are attending any casual event with friends or family please, please, please make sure that your Converse are as new or clean as they can be. If they are not clean simply remove the laces and throw the Converse into the washing machine. They will be back as good as new.
Casual Clothing Success
See some examples of males looking incredible while dressed casually: